The Good Shepherd 11-7-2024

I recently read a couple of books and again today the Gospel and sermon was about the one lost sheep and the rejoicing of the one lost sheep, and how the Good Shepherd leaves the 99 in search of the one lost sheep. I don’t think that anyone likes to see themselves or say out loud, I’m one of the lost sheep, yet I am.

Dear Heavenly Father;

Thank You that You guide and direct my thoughts, prayers and reading to areas and topics that I need to focus on. It is not coincidence, accident or a weird twist of fate that I hear a prayer, read a verse or hear a sermon that makes me look around to see if You are standing right behind me. Please continue to direct and guide me to grow, mature and become more Christ-Like.

Father, I am a lost sheep. I know the Shepherd and love the flock, and yet sometimes I stray and wonder away. I am often easily distracted by the temptations of the world, glittery things, “fun” things and material things of the world. Please continue to search for me each time I go astray. And , please give me strength, righteousness and grace to avoid those time when I do go astray.

Thank You for being the good Shepherd and for loving me enough to come and bring me back. I pray with Your love and grace to stay close to the Shepherd and among the flock.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray and ask these things; Amen.

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