Silence 12-4-2023

Dear Father God,

This morning, as usual, I was about to start my laundry lists….though I had two… list was all of the things and blessings I am grateful for and want to acknowledge and say thank You.

The other list, yeah, was all of the things I was going to ask You for. I was planning to do the thank You list first though.

Then, somehow, I just silently sat. It wasn’t particularly easy at first. As I sat, I thought God already knows what I want. How often do I just sit and listen and try to hear what God wants?

I pray something like this; Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to get still and quiet and just spend time in Your presence. Help me to push aside any thoughts or worries of the day and just be with You.

Purify my heart, mind and soul. Let me be still and come to You as an empty vessel. Fill me with everything that You want me to carry today. Let me hear Your Word and Your voice and let it guide my thoughts and actions today. Help me to later today stop and reflect once more on the day and my efforts to hear You and do Your will.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray and ask these things; Amen.

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